Arms dps rotation cata

Arms dps rotation cata
ARMS WARRIOR PvP GUIDE! - 4.3.3.How to: 9 k! Dps as a fury warrior + test.
Thanks for watching guys! Macros and needed information below! FUS! Shout: #showtooltip Battle Shout /y FUS. /cast Battle Shout Bladestorm Macro
Cata Arms Warrior PVE/PVP Guide[Talent.
[Guide] Cataclysm Jäger Guide - Stufe 85 [Patch 4.0.3] - Jäger ... Rotation Leipzig
Warrior Arms vs Fury 5.0.5 - TankSpot.

hehe spelled some things wrong and my dps turned out to be 9 k at that fight

World of Warcraft Cata Arms Warrior PVE/PVP Guide[Talent Builds Within]
Hello everyone! I've been running some LFR recently as Arms and I gotta say it was a Arms has been the top DPS spec for Warriors for the last couple of raid tiers