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Askville Question: I am estrogen dominant. Why are we told to take vitamin C, E, B-complex for symptoms when they raise estr : Women's Health
Empfehlung: Vitamin C
C: The Blog This is the Cforyourself vitamin C Blog. This has replaced the old Message Board that used to live here. Please keep your posts and comments on topic

La Roche Posay Redermic Normal/Combination Skin has been discontinued and replaced with newly formulated Redermic C Normal/Combination Skin. Redermic Normal
Empfehlung: Vitamin C
Low Hydrochloric Acid & Leaky Gut.
Feskanich D, Singh V, Willett WC, Colditz GA. Vitamin A intake and hip fractures among postmenopausal women. JAMA. Jan2002;287(1):47-54. CONTEXT: Ingestion of toxic
does vitamin c intensify hydroc
does vitamin c intensify hydroc
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I warn against supplementing with Betaine HCL (a common remedy for low hydrochloric acid production) as it can trigger bleeding in susceptible individuals.
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